Updating the PLoS Blog
We are pleased with the lively discussion taking place on the PLoS blogs. The sites have grown since we launched several months ago and we felt they required re-organizing.
First off, we have removed our landing page. For now on, when you come to www.plos.org/blogs, you will be taken directly to our posts. Second, we will no longer separate content into three streams (Publishing, Technology and Medicine). Instead, all posts will be entered into one place and we will use a tagging* system to classify them. This will allow you more control over what you read.
For example, if you would like to see all recent posts regardless of topic, simply visit www.plos.org/blogs. If you would like to only read entries on scientific publishing, you can filter them by clicking on Publishing from the list on the right.
For those of you that have bookmarked a specific section of our blog, those links will continue to work just fine. However, you may want to update your link depending on your interests.
Thank you for reading!
* If you unfamiliar with tags, they are a web 2.0 filing system – instead of content being confined to one file or folder, there can be as many tags as appropriate.