PLoS Author Surveys 2009 – Summary Presentation
Earlier this year, PLoS sent out a series of surveys to authors whose work was considered by our journals in 2008. We wanted to find out what authors think about all aspects of our services – from submission and peer review, through to publication and the functionality of the PLoS journal web sites.
We have learned a lot from the surveys, primarily that levels of satisfaction amongst authors are generally very good. We also identified areas where services can be improved, and we’ve adjusted our services in a number ways during 2009.
We have now summarized the results of the surveys along with how we have responded to some of the suggestions during 2009 in a short presentation, which is publicly available. We feel it’s important to share these results in particular with the authors who were kind enough to complete the questionnaires, and we would like to express our thanks to the hundreds of authors who took part. We are planning to repeat the surveys next year, so that we can monitor how views have changed and can respond to suggestions for further improvements.
Meanwhile, we welcome feedback from anyone who is using our services, as an author, reviewer, editor or reader.