Update of the PLoS Journals to Ambra 0.9.5
We will update the PLoS journals with the Ambra 0.9.5 release tonight. This release focused on development of the long-awaited PLoS Queue syndication module. Starting in January, PLoS will send article packages directly to PubMed Central at publication time. Article packages are currently sent to PubMed Central the same time as they arrive at PLoS so if any errors are found by the PLoS editorial or production teams, we need to send the fixed article packages back for revision. Sending these article packages at publication time will save a lot of time/effort if any errors are found. This also allows us to automatically send article packages, XML and PDFs to other external repositories in the future. The admin panel and publication workflow were updated for this new syndication service.
New features and updates:
- Added a new syndication service to the Admin panel. This will allow administrators to export article files and metadata to external sources. PLoS is using this syndication service with an internal application built on Apache Camel to send published files to PubMed Central and other external repositories. This is not an out-of-the-box solution as only the service hooks are available in Ambra.
- Added RDFa for the Dublin Core elements in the article HTML. Look for a blog posting on this feature soon!
- Added a new action to support a Google Scholar XML feed for published articles.
- Update to the article RHC to display articles cross-published in other journals.
- Improvements to how XSL sheets are configured.
- Upgraded the Dojo library to 1.3.2.
Bug fixes:
- Promote a note to a formal correction and the annotation body was removed.
- Templates from other journals were displayed if freemarker.properties template_update_delay was set.
- Templates changes to fix a number of formatting errors encountered in IE6, IE7 and IE8.
- Minor fixes to annotation displays, formal corrections, formatting and messaging.
For a complete list of 0.9.5 features and bug fixes, please see the Ambra 0.9.5 RC1 Tickets and the Ambra 0.9.5 RC2 Tickets.