PLoS at ASM 2010 – Booth 849
PLoS Pathogens is getting ready to set up camp at ASM 2010 (San Diego, May 23rd – 27th), where you’ll find us at booth 849 in the exhibit hall.
PLoS Pathogens staff members Mary Kohut, Patrick Reilly, and Sumrina Yousufzai will be on hand to answer any questions you may have about publishing with the journal, and about the open access movement in general. We’ll also be joined by a rotating cast of PLoS Pathogens editors, so be sure to stop by the booth early on Monday May 24th for a schedule of when they’ll be available to take your questions.
We’ll be handing out plenty of free goodies this year:
- Posters: The latest PLoS Poster, 15” x 22”, packed with all things open access (think dinosaurs and penguins)
- Buttons/Badges: Designed for our authors, Editorial Board members, readers, and supporters
- Pens: For writing your congress person about the Federal Research Public Access Act!
- Postcards: To remind yourself and your colleagues why you should publish in PLoS Pathogens
- Open access flyers and leaflets
We look forward to meeting you at the PLoS booth!