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PLoS Computational Biology Conference Postcards from PSB 2010

This January saw Hawaii host the 15th Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB), and it was there that PLoS Computational Biology launched its fledgling venture ‘PLoS Conference Postcards’. We invited graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to send us a virtual Postcard and let us know what they found particularly scientifically exciting about PSB. We are pleased to announce that we have just published some of these unique perspectives, giving those not at the conference a flavour of what it was like.

You’ll find the two Conference Postcards here: ‘PLoS Computational Biology Conference Postcards from PSB 2010 ‘. Ruchira S. Datta and Matthew W. Lux both chose to write about what sounds like an exhilarating talk by Edward Marcotte and we think their different approaches highlight the potential of Conference Postcards perfectly. This year we are hoping to receive Postcards from conferences around the world. In particular we hope many young scientists will find enough to inspire them at ISMB 2010 to put virtual pen to paper and drop us a line.

Those interested in publishing Conference Postcards from their own meeting should contact ploscompbiol[at]

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