2010 PLoS Progress Update
Today, PLoS released our 2010 Progress Update which, in addition to summarizing the year’s developments, reports that we covered our operating costs with revenue for the first time–-adding to the growing body of evidence that high-quality open-access publishing is sustainable. We’re also pleased to announce that for the second consecutive year our publication fees will not increase.
Vital to our success over the years has been the tremendous support of the Board of Directors (current and former members) and the broad community of stakeholders who are driving open access to research: the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and the Sandler Foundation provided the funding that launched PLoS; the many research funders who have developed policies that support open access publishing; the libraries and institutions which have shown unrelenting commitment to open access; and the tens of thousands of researchers who have demonstrated their belief in open access as authors, reviewers and editorial board members of PLoS journals. Our thanks to everyone involved, and especially to the people at PLoS who have worked so hard to make all this possible.
We look forward to demonstrating not just how open-access publishing can work, but also how creative use of online tools and digital media in innovative projects like PLoS Hubs, PLoS Currents and Article-Level Metrics can drive a fundamental transformation to more open and effective research communication.