PLoS Article-Level Metrics API launched
We’re pleased to announce the launch of the Article-Level Metrics API. This Application Programming Interface (API) gives developers access to the statistics (usage, citations, social bookmarks, comments, notes and ratings) that have been on every PLoS article since March 2009 – allowing the community to measure the impact of research in the digital age.
This API provides those who want to enter the PLoS/Mendeley Binary Battle an additional data source to use along with the PLoS Search API.
We also have an open-source article-level metrics project site for other publishers who want to build on what we started and use this code on their own statistics. Publishers who have questions about using the code on their own journals should email Pete Binfield, Publisher of PLoS ONE and the Community Journals.
Here’s what Rich Cave, PLoS Director of IT, said about this development: “Releasing our ALM code base is a natural extension of our open philosophy. Not only are all our open-access articles freely available online but the tools that we use to add value to them are open-source.”
For those who follow our Article-Level Metrics project, it’s worth noting that we’ve also added PubMed Central usage statistics including the number of unique views and PDF downloads.
We hope that today’s announcement will provide the community with a powerful new way to leverage our content and their own and provide more reasons for developers to enter the PLoS/Mendeley Binary Battle.