PLoS Director of Publishing moves to new OA initiative
The Wellcome Trust, Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Max Planck Society have announced today that Mark Patterson (PLoS Director of Publishing) will be joining Randy Schekman (Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology, University of California at Berkeley) to lead the creation of a new high-profile open-access biomedical research journal to be launched in 2012.
We’re saddened that Mark will be moving on from PLoS, and at the same time delighted to see him move on to such an important open-access project. As a founding member of PLoS, Mark has achieved a great deal over the past eight years. He has been instrumental in establishing PLoS as a world leader in open-access publishing and has helped us to launch journals as well as initiatives in research communication that consistently break new ground.
Mark’s also represented PLoS and open access more broadly in a number of different ways, for example by helping to found the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association.
On the new project, Mark said “This new journal, sponsored by three of the world’s leading funding agencies, has the potential to be a tremendous positive force for change in research communication and will drive forward open access to all research outputs.” and added that “Of course, it’s very hard to leave PLoS after so long, but the organization has never been stronger than it is today.”
We wish Mark, Randy and the new open-access publishing project all the success in the world, and are looking forward to future collaborations.