Fossil Friday Roundup: September, 30, 2016
Papers (all Open Access):
- Extreme Modification of the Tetrapod Forelimb in a Triassic Diapsid Reptile (Current Biology)
- Protein sequences bound to mineral surfaces persist into deep time (eLife)
- Combined Use of Morphological and Molecular Tools to Resolve Species Mis-Identifications in the Bivalvia The Case of Glycymeris glycymeris and G. pilosa (PLOS ONE)
- Little evidence for enhanced phenotypic evolution in early teleosts relative to their living fossil sister group (PNAS)
- Late Cenozoic catfishes of Southeastern Europe with inference to their taxonomy and palaeogeography (PalaeoE)
- Trackways Produced by Lungfish During Terrestrial Locomotion (SciRep)
- The complex evolutionary history of the tympanic middle ear in frogs and toads (Anura) (SciRep)
- An early bothremydid (Testudines, Pleurodira) from the Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) of Utah, North America (PeerJ)
- A Dome-Headed Stem Archosaur Exemplifies Convergence among Dinosaurs and Their Distant Relatives (Current Biology)
- Bony cranial ornamentation linked to rapid evolution of gigantic theropod dinosaurs (Nature Communications)
- Elemental characterisation of melanin in feathers via synchrotron X-ray imaging and absorption spectroscopy (Scientific Reports)
- Synchrotron imaging of dentition provides insights into the biology of Hesperornis and Ichthyornis, the “last” toothed birds (BMC Evol Biol)
- The Arrival of Homo sapiens into the Southern Cone at 14,000 Years Ago (PLOS ONE)
- Fossil Carder Bee’s Nest from the Hominin Locality of Taung, South Africa (PLOS ONE)
- Morphology and function of Neandertal and modern human ear ossicles (PNAS)
- Fire Usage and Ancient Hominin Detoxification Genes: Protective Ancestral Variants Dominate While Additional Derived Risk Variants Appear in Modern Humans (PLOS ONE)
- Rare Mammoth Fossil Excavated at Channel Islands National Park— Discovery Stimulates Intriguing Questions (Link)
- Paleoartist Julius Csotonyi receives recognition from alma mater (Link)
- UF professor nominated president-elect of Paleontological Society (Link)
- Ancient fossils reveal a sticky dinosaur death trap (Link)
- Giant Millipede Fossils May Reveal New Species (Link)
- Fossils are informing the future of conservation (Link)
- Life in ancient oceans enabled by erosion from land (Link)
- This Fossil’s Penis Worm Mouth Has Mystified Scientists, Until Now (Link)
- Discovery of tiny fossil near Walland solves 124-year mystery (Link)
- Cliff Dwelling in Utah Found to Have Unique Decoration: Dinosaur Tracks (Link)
Events and Society Updates:
- Digital Data in Paleontological Research Workshop (Link)
- 2016 SVP Women in Science Social (Link)
- OpenCon 2016 (Link)
Around the Blogosphere:
- Site-Specific Teaching in New England’s Dinosaur Country (Extinct)
- Vivaron haydeni, the Triassic Ghost Ranch predator (Link)
- Underwhelming Fossil Fish of the Month September 2016 (UCL Museum & Collections Blog)
- Lords of the Land: Science Meets Art (Inside the Royal Tyrrell Museum)
- The Triassic Dome-Headed Archosaur (Dr. Neurosaurus)/Un Arcosaurio del Triásico con su Cabeza con Domo (Dr. Neurosaurus)
- Conscience Letters from the Cursed Thieves of Triassic Park (Messy Nessy Chic)
Do you have some news, a blog, or something just plain cool you want to share with the PLOS Paleo Community? Email it to us at or tweet it to us at @PLOSPaleo.