Fossil Friday Roundup: July 14, 2017
Featured Image: Teeth from the lower jaw of an antelope, featured in an article published in PLOS ONE that focused on crowdsourcing image outlines for paleontological research. Source: Matthews et al. 2017. CC-BY.
Papers (All Open Access):
- Environmentally driven extinction and opportunistic origination explain fern diversification patterns (Scientific Reports)
- Common species link global ecosystems to climate change: dynamical evidence in the planktonic fossil record (Proceedings B)
- Revision of so-called Pomatoschistus (Gobiiformes, Teleostei) from the late Eocene and early Oligocene (PalaeoE)
- Examining the use of Amazon’s Mechanical Turk for edge extraction of the occlusal surface of fossilized bovid teeth (PLOS ONE)
- Tracing social interactions in Pleistocene North America via 3D model analysis of stone tool asymmetry (PLOS ONE)
- Origin of mounds in the Pantanal wetlands: An integrated approach between geomorphology, pedogenesis, ecology and soil micromorphology (PLOS ONE)
- Late Miocene Pseudolarix amabilis bract-scale complex from Zhejiang, East China (PLOS ONE)
- The fossil Osmundales (Royal Ferns)—a phylogenetic network analysis, revised taxonomy, and evolutionary classification of anatomically preserved trunks and rhizomes (PeerJ)
- Should the terms ‘basal taxon’ and ‘transitional taxon’ be extinguished from cladistic studies with extinct organisms? (PalaeoE)
- The first pterosaur pelvic material from the Dinosaur Park Formation (Campanian) and implications for azhdarchid locomotion (FACETS)
Community Events, Society Updates, and Resources:
- Diversity in Paleontology Workshop GoFundMe (Link)
- SVP Paleontology Education Workshop (Link)
- SVP Women in Paleontology Luncheon (Link)
- SVP 2017, August 23–26, Calgary, Alberta (Link)
- SVPCA 2017, September 12–15, Birmingham, England (Link)
- Principles of Vertebrate Functional Morphology, October 16–20, 2017, Barcelona, Spain (Link)
- The Paleontological Society Student Ambassador Program (PS‐SAP), Deadline Sept. 1 (Link)
- 2017 Election Ballot is Open until August 15 (Paleo Society)
- Utah State University Eastern Prehistoric Museum presents Clubs, Horns and Shields: Armored Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animals July 1–Oct 28 (Link)
- North American Paleontological Convention June 23–27 2019 (Link)
New and Views:
Animals and Anatomy:
- The Microsaurs of Yore (Tetrapod Zoology)
- Oxygen Isotopes and Oviraptorosaurs (Palaeocast)
- Tyrannosaurs Roamed Late Cretaceous Japan (Everything Dinosaurs)
- First and Last of the South Asian River Dolphins (Synapsida)
- Fossil Friday – mastodon calcaneum (Valley of the Mastodon)
- “Breath-Taking” Brachiopods (FossilPhiles)
- The sixth mass extinction (Letters from Gondwana)
- A guide to mosasaur scales (Yutyrannus)
- Giant, bone-crushing croc was the top predator of its time (PLOS Paleo)
- Osteohistological analysis of Vegavis iaai (Letters from Gondwana)
Museums, Methods, and Musings:
- Bristol Zoo, This Time with Animatronic Ornithodirans (Raptormaniacs)
- Grounds for Discovery: A New Exhibit on Fossils and Industry Now Open (Inside the Royal Tyrrell Museum)
- The Bone Cabin (Paleopix)
- Cabinets and Cameras (FossilPhiles)
Featured Folks and Fieldwork:
- Museum of the Rockies’ new paleontologist: Making dinosaur dreams come true (Link)
- Paleontology and Public Lands – Bears Ears (SVP Blog)
- Updates from fieldwork at Natural Trap Cave by Penny Higgins (Day 1, Day 2, Day 3)
- A Day in the Life of a Palaeontologist (Andrew Cuff)
- Paleontology and Public Lands—Bears Ears National Monument (SVP Blog)
Arts, Books, Culture, and Fun:
- The Transformative Value of Fossils (Extinct)
- Doctor Who and the key to deep time (Susannah Lydon)
- SVP Comments on 21 US National Monuments (SVP)
Do you have some news, a blog, or something just plain cool you want to share with the PLOS Paleo Community? Email it to us at, tweet it to us at @PLOSPaleo, or message us on Facebook.