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When you choose to publish with PLOS, your research makes an impact. Make your work accessible to all, without restrictions, and accelerate scientific discovery with options like preprints and published peer review that make your work more Open.

PLOS BLOGS The Official PLOS Blog

Everyone Loves a List, Right?

Bidding farewell to the decade afforded us a wonderfully surprising trip down memory lane. Researching our milestones, top blogs and best tweets, showed us just how far we’ve come since we launched our first journal, PLOS Biology, in 2003.

It certainly seems like OA publishing has always been an option for authors, but did you know it has only been ten years since PLOS first became fully sustainable through APCs? And we were one of the first to prove the viability of this model. Moreover, we also had to demonstrate that innovation, experimentation, quality, excellence and fairness could live together hand-in-hand as part of that model.

We do not operate in a vacuum. We had a lot of help from some notable early adopters as well as those initial reviewers and academic editors that are the heart of any publishing operation. And our success could not have occurred without all of our authors, who trusted their research with a publisher that simply wanted to do things a bit different. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Now sit back and toggle through time as we celebrate 10 years of history, but with an eye on a bright future.

2010:  The PLOS suite of Article-Level Metrics is available for each and every published article. 

2011: Curated PLOS Collections on focused themes ease discovery and provide opportunity for breadth of coverage from PLOS journals, blogs and external sources all in one place.

2012: The Global Participation Initiative was launched, which aims to tackle barriers to publication based on cost, specifically addressing the lack of funding for publication faced by authors in many countries.

2013: The Accelerating Science Awards Program (ASAP) co-sponsored by PLOS, honors pioneers using Open Access research to benefit society. The program attracts 200 nominations from 30 countries. 

2014: The PLOS Data Policy ensures a research article’s underlying data is available to the science community, promoting new discovery, replication and validation (arguably bringing the open data conversation into the mainstream). 

2015: PLOS Communities grow to include Paleontology and Ecology with active social media and live blogging at scientific conferences, expanding the impact and contributions of authors and early career researchers.

2016: 1.) More granular credit for authors with standardized CRedIT roles. 2.) Early sharing of work with preprints and direct transfer to PLOS from bioRxiv. 3.) Implementation of ORCID iDs for authors helps ensure work is properly attributed—Learn more

2017: 1.) Journal and Collections publishing platform AmbraTM licensed open source. 2.)  PLOS Channels with external editors provide opportunity for discovery, exploration and contextual insights

2018: PLOS Collaborates with Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory to enable preprint posting on bioRxiv

2019: Published Peer Review history launches

Top 10 PLOS blogs by page views (note: these blogs are relatively recent and their ‘page views’ totals may be due to the fact that we have a lot more followers now):

  1.     PLOS Journals Now Open for Published Peer Review
  2.     Making a home for the physical sciences and engineering at PLOS ONE
  3.     Streamlined Formatting PLOS Articles
  4.     PLOS Appoints Dr. Joerg Heber EIC of PLOS ONE
  5.     Transparency, Credit, and Peer Review
  6.     Author credit: PLOS and CRediT Update
  7.     CEO Letter to the Community
  8.     Power to the Preprint
  9.     You’ve completed your review, now get credit with ORCID
  10.     PLOS, Cold Spring Harbor Preprint Agreement




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