Note: Review Commons posted this blog earlier this month. PLOS is cross-posting it to amplify the discussion of our participation in Review…
Open Science The multiple uses of peer review: an interview with Marcel LaFlamme
In the News Safeguarding peer review in the era of evolving paper mills
Author: Renee Hoch, Managing Editor of the PLOS Publication Ethics Team Trust is at the heart of the peer review system &ndash…
Collaboration Study finds COVID-19 research freely accessible, but research data sharing and preprinting are low
A report has been published that studies how well the commitments to the Wellcome-coordinated COVID-19 statement and the COVID-19 Rapid Review Initiative have been kept…
Peer Review Ninth International Congress on Peer Review and Scientific Publication — call for abstracts
Author: Veronique Kiermer, Chief Scientific Officer, PLOS Calling your attention to the call for abstracts for the ninth Peer Review Congress published…
Peer Review Identity in Peer Review: Looking Forward, Looking Back
This post is written by PLOS’ Editorial Director Suzanne Farley Peer Review Week didn’t exist when I got my start in STM…