by @iGEM_ToulouseFR. The Lascaux cave, currently listed as World Heritage Site by UNESCO, was discovered in 1940 in France and opened after World…
Synthetic Biology iGEM blogs: Protecting 18000 year old paintings by iGEM Toulouse
Synthetic Biology From the Community: Craig Venter’s Synthetic Genome 3.0 Evokes Classic Experiments | By Ricki Lewis, PLOS DNA Science Blog
J. Craig Venter and his colleagues at Synthetic Genomics Inc update their efforts to create a “hypothetical minimal genome” in this week’s Science. “JCVI-syn3.0,&rdquo…
Synthetic Biology Open Source Hardware is an opportunity for Synthetic Biology research – the DocuBricks approach by Tobias Wenzel
by Tobias Wenzel Open Source Hardware is an exciting new trend “This microscope is one of the cleverest pieces of open source…
Synthetic Biology TECNOx: A Latin American Syn Bio (and more) student competition
Andrés Ochoa Cruz1, Fernán Federici2, Raik Grünberg3, Alejandro Daniel Nadra4, Pablo Rodríguez5 and Ignacio Enrique Sánchez4 1 Syntechbio, Arcturus Biocloud, USA…
Interview Organisms or Machines?
By Aakriti Jain Dr. Dan Nicholson is first a scientist, a molecular biologist. However, unlike most researchers in the constantly changing and…
Synthetic Biology SynBio is Booming
In this third part of our review of 2015, sourced from synthetic biology community, we cover five aspects that relate to developments in…
Synthetic Biology An Introduction to Start-Ups in Synthetic Biology
by Aditya Kunjapur When did you first hear the phrase “synthetic biology”? Was it many years ago, or did it just happen when…