Everyone likes “gross” fossils. Fossil poo always gets attention, and infected bones are cool to look at, but vomit is fairly unusual in…
PLOS ONE Who’s in that vomit, anyhow?
Interview Author Interview: Justin Adams on a New Digital Fossil Archive (Part 2)
Yesterday, we started an interview with Justin Adams, senior author on a recent PLOS ONE paper discussing a newly available set of 3D digital…
Interview Author Interview: Justin Adams on a New Digital Fossil Archive (Part 1)
As a digital fossil buff, I’m always excited to learn about new efforts for serving 3D fossil data. Thus, a recent PLOS ONE paper by…
Dinosaurs A tiny start for the giant Saurolophus
Gigantic skeletons of dinosaurs often draw the biggest crowds at museums, but the elusive remains of baby dinosaurs are breathtaking in their…
PLOS ONE Ancient “Horse” Pregnancy Frozen in Time
Some fossils are just too cool. And slightly tragic. A 48 million year old fossil from the Messel beds of Germany fits this category…
Assessment Key New Species Discoveries of 2014
While there’s no denying the ongoing global extinction of animals, microbes and plants, the discovery of new species provides critical information into…
Dinosaurs Welcome, Wendiceratops!
It’s a very exciting time to be a paleontologist interested in horned dinosaurs. New species are being described at an incredible rate. But…
Climate Change Fossil Lizard Showcases Wyoming’s Tropical Wonderland
Wyoming is a beautiful place, but usually it is associated more with open range, cowboys, mountains, and skiing than it is with…
Dinosaurs The Curse of the Horned Dinosaur Egg
Horned dinosaurs (ceratopsians) just can’t catch a break when it comes to their fossilized eggs. The first purported examples turned up in…
Dinosaurs Guest Post: Can We Easily Distinguish Male and Female Protoceratops?
This guest post is from Leonardo Maiorino, a vertebrate paleontologist with a particular interest in understanding the evolution of the skull in…
PLOS ONE A digital head for Acanthostega
What has 16 fingers and a digital skull? Acanthostega, that’s what! Acanthostega was one of the first limbed (rather than strictly “finned”) vertebrates, living around…
PLOS ONE Beefy Bones and a Big Bite for the Ancient Whale Basilosaurus
Although its name sounds rather dinosaurian, Basilosaurus was in fact one of the first extinct whales to make a splash in humanity’s perception…