We are delighted to announce that a new ‘Essay’ article type is now available at PLOS Climate, PLOS Global Public Health, PLOS…
Publishing PLOS announces new Essay article type
Interview Peer Review Week research integrity webinar: Your questions answered
Peer Review Week has come and gone, but our work is not yet over. A few weeks ago, we organized a webinar…
Open Access Open Access Is Essential for Low-Income Countries
PLOS Note: we use this blog, on occasion, to highlight authors and their research. Today, we are shining a spotlight on this…
Open Access PLOS response to the Wissenschaftsrat (German Science Council) statement on Open Access
At PLOS we warmly welcome the Jan 24, 2022 statement from the Wissenschaftsrat advocating that Open Access should become the default for scientific publications, but encourage further support of the…
Open Access Open Response to “Economic impact of UKRI open access policy” report
PLOS generally refutes the assertion that OA via the UKRI policy is economically damaging, regarding the FTI Consulting report: “Economic assessment of the impact of the new Open Access policy…
In the News PLOS welcomes the revised Plan S guidelines
As a fully Open Access publisher entirely ready to support cOAlition S-funded authors, we have always been in a position to give…
Innovation PLOS Journals Now OPEN for Published Peer Review
Starting today, ALL PLOS journals will offer authors the option to publish their peer review history alongside their accepted manuscript! We’ve…
Innovation PLOS Authors Say “Yes” to Preprints
We’ve surpassed 1,300 preprint posts to bioRxiv! This is an incredible milestone for us and for all of our authors who chose…
Innovation Transparency, credit, and peer review
Yesterday I signed an open letter on behalf of all PLOS journals, alongside 20 other editors representing over 100 publications, to…
Innovation One Small Step for Preprints, One Giant Step Forward for Open Scientific Communications
Thanks to our recent partnership with bioRxiv, PLOS authors will have the choice of posting their submitted manuscript on the bioRxiv preprint…