The following blog was written by Angela Abitua (ORCiD ID: 0000-0002-8059-4050) and Joanne Kamens (ORCiD ID: 0000-0002-7000-1477) from Addgene. PLOS is excited…
Innovation Depositing and reporting of reagents: Accelerating open and reproducible science.
Innovation PLOS Journals Now OPEN for Published Peer Review
Starting today, ALL PLOS journals will offer authors the option to publish their peer review history alongside their accepted manuscript! We’ve…
Innovation PLOS Authors Say “Yes” to Preprints
We’ve surpassed 1,300 preprint posts to bioRxiv! This is an incredible milestone for us and for all of our authors who chose…
Innovation Transparency, credit, and peer review
Yesterday I signed an open letter on behalf of all PLOS journals, alongside 20 other editors representing over 100 publications, to…
Innovation One Small Step for Preprints, One Giant Step Forward for Open Scientific Communications
Thanks to our recent partnership with bioRxiv, PLOS authors will have the choice of posting their submitted manuscript on the bioRxiv preprint…
Innovation Reproducibility and Recognition: One year later
This blog is authored by PLOS staff with contributions by Lenny Teytelman, CEO. For many scientists, there is a common frustration…
In the News Display without Delay: Search, Browse & Cite PLOS Articles with Quick Abstracts from Google Scholar
Working off your mobile device? No problem. We just made it easier to use your phone to find and scan PLOS articles…
Innovation Unrestricted Text and Data Mining with allofPLOS
Content mining, machine learning, text and data mining (TDM) and data analytics all refer to the process of obtaining information through machine-read…
Innovation PLOS Channels Provide Opportunity for Discovery, Exploration and Contextual Insights
Last month, the new PLOS Cholera Channel joined existing Veterans Disability & Rehabilitation Research, Tuberculosis and Open Source Toolkit Channels in providing…
In the News Tools for PLOS Authors: Reproducibility and Recognition
Solutions to the challenges of reproducibility in experimental science should be as diverse as the challenges themselves. Inconsistent reagents, barriers to the…
In the News The Best of Both Worlds: Preprints and Journals
Update December 5, 2016: PLOS Genetics now has in place a new initiative to use preprint servers for identifying and soliciting manuscripts. Please…
In the News PLOS Supports Early Career Researchers with Travel Award and Broader Initiative
PLOS supports the growth of Early Career Researchers (ECRs) as they build skills in science communication, become champions of Open Science and…